_(570) 569-0015
406 Greenview Dr, Stroudsburg, PA 18353
- Ground school: A day of training and practice on the ground practice and learn all you need to know to jump with your own parachute.
- Tandem Jumps : Every jump is a category and you have to pass this level in order to move forward to the next challenger, in this area we will teach you how and when to open the parachute, flying your canopy to the designed it points and landing techniques. (2 Jumps).
- AFF jumps: for the following levels, you will jump with instructors beside you, everyone with his own parachute (7 jumps). At the end of those jumps, you will be free to jump on your own.
- Coach Jumps and Solos: In order to get your A license you´ll have to do 25 jumps, in those jumps, 3 of them are going to be with a skydiving coach and 2 are going to be jumping from a lower altitude (Hop&Pop).
- Check Dive and Test: We are almost there for the beginning of you skydive progression, in this stage you are going to jump with a Instructor showing him you can do loops, control axcel directions, move for separation in freefall and land your canopy safety. After successful completion of this jump, we will run a USPA A license test, which is quite easy at this point. After that, you had your Skydive A Licence. BRAVO!!
After doing your first tandem jump in Pegasus, you’ll be train to do your next skydives:
- 3 to 4 hours class.
- Complete 1 Training Tandems.
- Jump AFF Levels 3 to 9 demonstrating control following the plan for every jump.
- First Jump Solo: FREE!
Each jump is a level that you must go through to learn how to skydive, if you fail a level you may have to repeat it and bear the cost of it.
(It is mandatory that the student perform 2 tandem jumps before starting the AFF level part)
- Tandem Level 2: $249
- Ground School: $150
- AFF Level 3 to 9 (Each Level): $240
- First Jump Solo: FREE!

Coach Jumps and Hop&Pop´s:
You are free to jump solo in our drop zone, in order to jump everywhere else you have to finish your license.Thats why so have to complete 3 jumps with a skydive coach, remember, every jump with someone with experience is a opportunity to learn more and grow your skills.
Between Jumps, you have to do 2 Hop&Pop Jumps, this jumps happen to be at lower altitude, your free fall is going to be shorter and we are looking to see you can exit the plane in a stable position and deploy your parachute.
- Coach Jumps: $175
- Hop&Pop Jumps: $75
- Solo Jumps: $75
Every jump include your gear (Goggles, helmet, altimeter, suit, parachute).

After completing 25 jumps and pass all the requirements above you are going to have your check dive, a jump when you can show us how is done flying your buddy and moving in the sky following your plan in order to be a safe and awesome skydiver.After that we´ll check your skills with the A License USPA test, after approval we are going to sign up your License Card.
- Check Dive: $200
- A License Fee: $36 (Variable, payment is made to USPA)
Every jump include your gear (Goggles, helmet, altimeter, suit, parachute).

AFF PART: $2,328 (Include 2 tandem jumps)
A LICENSE 25 JUMPS: $4,178
This cost can change, if you have someone who want to do the course with you we can offer a discount of $10 in the AFF part and tandem jumps.
Failing a level mean you have to repeat and that means you will be charge for that.
All the gear is rental is include in your jumps but if you lost or break the equipment you will be charge for that.